Payment System Gold USD EUR
E-Currency Payment SystemPerfect Money Payment System

Switzerland E-Currency
Switzerland E-Currency
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Buy Gold Metal, Buy USD EURO currency online, Payment System
E-Currency Payment System
fast,easy,comfortable - way to develop your money

PM Exchange Rates

USD / EUR  0.898   |
|   EUR / USD  1.068


USD >> 58467.14   |
|    EUR >> 53600.62

GOLD Bid Price /oz:

USD >> 2362.892   |
|    EUR >> 2166.299

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Quick Payment and a usual transfer?

The only difference is a transaction speed. A user does not waste time on going to the proper page, selecting currency, confirming details and so on. He/she only needs to specify the receiver account and the system will automatically choose the proper currency and the account to withdraw the funds from. The Quick Payment interface appears immediately upon clicking on the "Quick Payment" button located under the menu of the Member Area.

Is it possible to view only certain actions in my account?

Yes, it is. You can use filters to arrange information.

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Welcome to a new generation of Internet Payment System!

Perfect Money is a leading financial service allowing the users to make instant payments and to make money transfers securely throughout the Internet opening unique opportunities to Internet users and owners of the Internet businesses.
Perfect Money targets to bring the transactions on the Internet to the ideal level!

Perfect Money presents unique features for Business and Personal accounts.

While using Perfect Money payment system one can do the following:

Perform money transfers between members
Receive payments in various business projects in Internet
Make regular payments in Internet
Safely store money funds on electronic account and get monthly interests
Make payment for goods and services in Internet shops
Buy Bitcoin, Gold Metal, USD and EUR currency online

In every operation performed in Perfect Money payment system we aspire to offer our customers perfect service.
We know that future has Perfect Money, and you have an opportunity to become our customer!

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No fees payment system

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear Customers and Partners,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Year 2023 is coming to an end. Soon, we will celebrate Christmas and welcome the new year 2024. It's time for family gatherings and gifts.

Our staff at Perfect Money is not planning to leave you empty-handed either, and we are presenting you the most valuable item that we have - our product. Throughout the past year, we have been working hard to enhance our components, from security, privacy to the interface while boosting a number of payment options. For 16 years, we have tirelessly worked with our valued 400 exchange partners who above all appreciate us for our reliability and stability. Thanks to them we have continued to grow at astonishing rate. Perfect Money's active user base having grown by a record 6 million, for a total of around 20 million worldwide. Our brand recognition has increased on all continents, with payment operations now offered in over 200 countries. Pay using your preferred financial tools - from cash to cryptocurrencies - and conduct banking operations in more than 50 fiat currencies. With rare exceptions, our geographical service domain essentially covers the entire planet. We are trusted by tens of thousands of companies around the world, the number that steadily grows each day. Perfect Money's portfolio of merchants continues to expand as well, with new companies from emerging online business sectors joining every year.

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We’ve turned 14! » 05.10.21

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PM E-Vouchers

It seems like virtual
But it works like real money
  • Create e-voucher for any amount.

  • Transfer money to any receiver around the world (the recipient will receive e-voucher number and activation code by SMS, even if he/she has no PM account).

  • Pay online for goods and services securely and confidentially.

  • Easily exchange e-voucher to any other e-currency or cash through online exchange service.
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Accept Perfect Money - ensure profit growth!

Dramatically increase your sales by adding Perfect Money as a payment method on your website.

Quick steps to set-up SCI, integration with dozens of CMS, over 10,000,000 Perfect Money account holders.

Add Perfect Money Shopping Cart to your website and introduce your services to millions of Perfect Money customers »

Easy integration into Shopping Cart software

Our tech team developed plugins for the most popular shopping cart scripts. Now you can add Perfect Money to the list of payment options on your website just downloading the necessary plug in for your existing shopping cart. Payment by SMS, Bank Wire Transfer, Perfect Money e-Vouchers, PM Prepaid Cards are going to be available on your existing shopping cart!

Detailed information about Perfect Money API & Plugins »

Perfect Money - new generation of Internet payment system. Payment processor for money transfer. 
© 2007-2024 Startup Smart Development. All rights reserved. 
Licensed payment service provider authorized by The Autonomous Island of Anjouan with registration number 15559. Financial license L 15559 / SSD.
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