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Frequently Asked Questions
Ive lost a message containing the Code Card. What shall I do?
To Disable a Code Card, please submit a form here: Please select “Restore Code Card” at the drop down menu.
How do I verify an account?
To verify your account, please go to "Settings" and choose "Verification management”. The verification procedure consists of 3 steps. First, you need to verify your name. To confirm your name, you need to upload a scanned copy of your ID (passport or driving license) into the form provided. Later our company employees will personally compare the name in your account with the name in the documents. If the information matches, your name will be verified. If your document is not in English, you should provide a notarized translation. The second step includes address verification. To verify your address, you need to provide a scanned copy of your utility bill with your name and address printed on it. Utility bills are bills for water, gas or electricity consumption sent to your home address by a local service company. If the document is not in English, you should provide a notarized translation. The last step is to verify your phone number. Please accept a phone call from Perfect Money and write down a code provided by an automated system. Next enter this code into the form on the website. If the code is, the status of your phone number will change to “verified”.
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Perfect Money API examples (PHP,, Perl)
of analogs to which among other payment systems upon criteria of functionality,
reliability and safety is unlikely within the next few years. The Perfect Money
engineers have created such tool which allows any business structure to organize
any on-line process of sale of products, services or access to content with
maximum easiness and safety.
If you want to accept payments online on your site please read:
version 2.0 (backward compatible)
perfectmoney-sci.doc version 1.1
This document describes how to programmatically interact with the Perfect Money
web site.
Sample scripts demonstrating the use of the Perfect Money API are available
Even more Shopping Carts available!
Perfect Money together with its partners has developed a large variety of modules
for the most popular Internet shopping carts. Having implemented one of the
modules of API Merchants to your shop/site you will immediately provide your
clients with one more payment option including payment by Perfect Money e-currency,
e-Vouchers and Prepaid Cards, SMS Payments, Bank Wire Transfers.
Plugins for the following shopcarts are available now: ZenCart,
VirtueMart, CS-Cart, PrestaShop, WHMCS, Joomla!, Magento, Wordpress.
Share your scripts with others and get reward
Contact us with information about your script which
using Perfect Money API, and get reward for sharing.
Need help with integration,
API setup or configuration?
Perfect Money is always happy to help You with your needs regarding Perfect
Money integration into your website. For free, of course.
Click here to submit a ticket to Perfect Money Customer Support