PM Exchange Rates
/ EUR 0.914
USD 1.049


GOLD Bid Price /oz:
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I create a subaccount?
Subaccounts are created in the “Settings” section, under “Subaccounts”.
What is the commission for a funds deposit via bank transfer?
Currently we do not charge any commission fee for depositing money into your PM account via bank transfers. Some intermediate banks might charge you for the technical aspect of the transaction.
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Money Security center
Democratic approach of Perfect Money payment system enables every Customer to decide
independently which security settings he needs to use for his account. Every customer
of PM makes a compromise with himself and chooses his own edge of convenience
of use and protection of his account from non-authorized view or use.
Secure your account with Perfect
Functionality and normal operation of Perfect Money is maintained
by safety system and set of protection means. However, security department of Perfect Money considers necessary to warn every customer about possible threats and intensively asks everybody to be more careful with his accounts.
Dear customers!
Be aware of any hacker activities! For your own security keep your firewall and Anti-Virus program working, watch out for key-loggers, spoofed website, and the URL in address line should always be
- Please keep your passwords and access codes far from strangers. See about protecting the access to all your data that can be used for authentication user in PM.
- Don't forget to change your password for system entry as frequently as it is possible.
- Don't trust your password to the third parties
- Keep in mind, we never ask you to send your passwords and access codes to us by e-mail.
- Be careful with electronic mail and don't open messages from unknown
senders. Don't answer such messages. They may contain viruses which
can enter your computer and send to swindlers all the information necessary
to get the access into your account.
- Don't download unknown programs even if they offer to reinforce the protection of your computer. Such programs may contain malware, adware, viruses, exploits, bots.
- We recommend you to use all protection tools provided by PM itself as far as it is possible.
- In case of any questions don't hesitate to address Support Service of Perfect Money.